Trikut Ayurveda

Premature Ejuculation

what is premature ejaculation

premature ejaculation is the deportation of semen from the body .when ejaculation happens sooner than a men or his partner would like during sex premature ejaculation is also know as rapid should not worry about it can be frustrating if it make less sex and impact your sexual relationship

causes of premature ejaculation
The exact causes of premature ejaculation are not understood. It is probably caused by a combination of physiological and psychological factors, which could include:
  • Anxiety, depression, stress, and/or guilt
  • Hormone or other chemical imbalances
  • Abnormal thyroid function
  • Inflammation or infection
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Medications
  • Genetic factors
  • why Trikutayurveda for premature ejaculation
  • if you take trikutayurveda treatment it will set your genital area right form inside part.early ejaculation is total control of your climax,boost in sexual stamina